SMS 2024 Summer School
19 - 21 August 2024, held virtually

Overall Event Description
The SMS will host a two-day summer school on 19th - 21st August over Zoom. We are pleased to announce that there will be two streams available this year: Tuomas Tahko (University of Bristol) and Joyce Havstad (University of Utah) will focus on natural kinds (Aug 19, 11-2 EST; Aug 20, 11-2 EST); while Sandy Mitchell (University of Pittsburgh) & Holly Andersen (Simon Fraser University) will focus on pragmatism (Aug 20, 3-6 EST; Aug 21, 3-6 EST).
Each stream consists of two three-hour workshops, each designed to introduce participants to the state of play in the given subdiscipline. See below for more information about each stream.
Application & Registration Information
In order to apply, please submit a c.v. to Ken Aizawa (ken.aizawa@gmail.com) and include which stream(s) you would like to attend. There is no official deadline for applications, but attendance will be capped at 20 participants.
A registration fee of $25 per stream ($25 for one stream; $50 for both) is required, which will be used to partially offset expenses. Accepted applicants will be asked to submit their registration fees by August 10, 2024, via our Registration Page.
Please direct inquiries to Jenn McDonald (jc2266@columbia.edu) and Ken Aizawa (ken.aizawa@gmail.com).
Natural Kinds
w/Tuomas Tahko & Joyce Havstad
Session Times:
August 19th, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm EST
August 20th, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm EST
Expected Readings:
Cleland, C. E., Hazen, R. M., & Morrison, S. M. (2021). Historical natural kinds and mineralogy: Systematizing contingency in the context of necessity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(1).
Havstad, J. C. (2021). Complexity begets crosscutting, dooms hierarchy (another paper on natural kinds). Synthese, 198(8), 7665-7696.
Khalidi, M. A. (2023). Natural kinds. Cambridge University Press.*
Tahko, T. E. (2022). Natural kinds, mind-independence, and unification principles. Synthese, 200(2), 144.
*We propose that those fairly familiar with natural kinds focus on chapters 3 and especially 4, but chapters 1 and 2 are great background for anyone who isn’t fully familiar with the literature.
Note: All readings will be provided to participants.
w/Sandy Mitchell & Holly Andersen
Session Times:
August 20th, 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm EST
August 21st, 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm EST
Expected Readings:
William James, “What is Pragmatism?”
John Dewey, “What does pragmatism mean by practical?” (excerpt)
Richard Rorty and Nelson Goodman, Ways of Worldmaking (excerpts)
Sandra Mitchell “The Bearable Thinness of Being”
Pierre Duhem Aim and Structure of Physical Theory (excerpts) on judgments in experimentation
Hasok Chang, “Chapter 4: Truth” and “Closing Remarks” from Realism for Realistic People
H.K. Andersen, “Trueing”
Additional Background:
Wilfred Sellars, “Philosophy and the Scientific Image,” sections I and II, VI optional
Huw Price, “Naturalism Without Representationalism”
Huw Price, “Metaphysical Pluralism”
Note: All readings will be provided to participants.